Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Week 1 - Wednesday

The main idea that stuck with me today is that we find ourselves in a world where a secular church is surrounded by a spiritual society.
I have seen and felt that in many ways in France. There seems to be such a spiritual dryness, a craving for something more. It has been frustrating for me, in the past few years to see this need in people around me, as they turn to New Age spirituality, Buddhism, Hinduism or other eastern religions and philosophies, etc… all of this in a more or less “diluted” fashion, picking fruits on every trees for a satisfying little fruit salad.

Why is the church unable to answer these needs?
It seems like the church has developed its own sub-culture over time, and an image associated with it, which “outsiders” cannot relate to in many ways, in France at least.

How could homosexual people fit in a traditional church?
How could Muslims find their place there?
How could my underground cynical tattoo-artist friend Richard be comfortable sitting on a bench between two nicely dressed and over smiley elderly women?

I love the idea of seeing the gospel grow and bear fruits in different sub-cultures. It seems to me that such a diversity of expressions of the same faith can be incredibly enriching on an individual level, but also as cultures.

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