Saturday, March 1, 2008

Week 8 - Bevans, Chapter 8

I am not quite sure of what to think of this model. It seems to me like it would be more like a tool or an approach to any other types of models described in this book rather than a complete model in itself.

The idea of authenticity of faith is very important to me, and I do have the feeling that it is an issue in some Christian circles. If a belief is not made personal, and has no authentic and open questioning and experience, if it is simply a matter of imitation of others or traditions, most people around will sense the lack of conviction.

However, I’m not sure that authenticity of experience can always qualify to theologize. We have sinful natures and our subjectivity is flawed. I believe we can authentically experience lies. Some people in the New Age movement have very realistic and authentic transcendental experiences and base their own personal metaphysical philosophy on it, and will believe it with more authenticity than most Christians believe in the redemptive power of the Cross for example.

I really like this approach, and I think God reveals himself to people who genuinely search for him, but in my opinion we can't rely only on subjectivity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Simon, I commented on your post on my blog here. Hope your weekend went well and your quarter is wrapping up even better.