Saturday, March 1, 2008

Week 8 – Wednesday

I realized yesterday that I had completely forgotten to post an entry about Wednesday’s lecture, which is unfortunate because I found it fascinating. I got completely focused on another paper and forgot about my assignments, so here are a few late thoughts.

Bringing together theology and deconstruction is for me a way of questioning our faith and beliefs, and our ways of expressing them. I believe it can bring us in areas of “uncertainty”, of adventurous discovery as we deconstruct and break apart well set binaries. However, this “risk” is a way to be open to God’s way of doing things, and dealing with different issues.

We are aiming for the higher undeconstructable values (justice, gift, hospitality, forgiveness, love). To do so we construct models adapted to particular situations and places. When these models are outdated or do more harm than good to attain the absolute and undeconstructable value they point at, they have to be rethought and deconstructed.

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