Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Week 9 - Wednesday

Even though I knew most of what was seen on video today, the more we went through the videos, the more depressing I found it.
Teens are between two ages, shifting from children to adults and struggling to find their identity, and these "merchants of cool" try to influence them- or even impose on them - a built identity for the sake of profit. I can't see what good can come out of trying to make immature and obnoxious mooks out of little boys and "post-feminist" bimbo mid-rifters out of little girls.
It seems like the standards are being set lower and lower just to make sure everyone can fit in the mold. Even if the audiences play a part in creating texts, it is a very controlled and focused part, and apparently the best of the youth isn't what sells the most.

Is there anything the Church can do besides copying MTV music videos?
We really need to find ways to bring alternative perspectives to the world. Can we do it without flashing lights and fast-paced TV spots?

I'm so angry. I'll go read something about loving my enemies.

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